Source code for

"""Additional tools to simplify and speed up the result evaluation"""
import os
import json

from tools import toolbelt

[docs]def list_scores(modelname, top_resultpath): """Lists the metrics.json in every subfolder with the call_params, if existing. Args: modelname (str): Name of the model to evaluate. Used to derive filenames. top_resultpath (str): Path to the parent folder with all subresults """ subresults = toolbelt.list_folders(top_resultpath) for sub in subresults: single_result_path = os.path.join(top_resultpath, sub) list_single_score(modelname, single_result_path)
[docs]def gen_ltx(modelname, top_resultpath): """Generate a LaTeX table from metrics.json in every subfolder with the call_params, if existing. Args: modelname (str): Name of the model to evaluate. Used to derive filenames. top_resultpath (str): Path to the parent folder with all subresults """ print("\n% algo call params\t precision & recall & F1 +/- & runtime") subresults = toolbelt.list_folders(top_resultpath) for sub in subresults: single_result_path = os.path.join(top_resultpath, sub) try: _gen_ltx_line(modelname, single_result_path) except FileNotFoundError: #print("No fitting metrics file found in folder {}".format(single_result_path)) pass
def _gen_ltx_line(modelname, resultpath): """List score of a single result in given folder as LaTeX compatible table. Args: modelname (str): Name of the model to evaluate. Used to derive filenames. resultpath (str): Path to the folder with a test run result """ try: with open(os.path.join(resultpath, 'call_parameters.txt')) as cparms: call_vals = None for line in cparms: try: call_vals = line.split('[')[1].split(']')[0].replace("'", "") call_vals = call_vals.split(', ') except IndexError: pass # TODO: Find a more efficient alternative except FileNotFoundError: pass metrics = toolbelt.read_from_json(os.path.join( resultpath, modelname+'_metrics.json' )) cms = toolbelt.read_from_json(os.path.join( resultpath, modelname+'_cms.json' )) call_val_str = " & ".join(call_vals) print(call_val_str + " & {:4.2f} & {:4.2f} & {:4.2f} $\pm$ {:4.2f} & {}\\\\ % {}".format( metrics['precision']['mean'] * 100, metrics['recall']['mean'] * 100, metrics['f1_score']['mean'] * 100, metrics['f1_score']['sd'] * 100, metrics['training_time_mean'], os.path.basename(resultpath) ))
[docs]def list_single_score(modelname, resultpath): """List score of a single result in given folder. Args: modelname (str): Name of the model to evaluate. Used to derive filenames. resultpath (str): Path to the folder with a test run result """ try: with open(os.path.join(resultpath, 'call_parameters.txt')) as cparms: print( except FileNotFoundError: pass metrics = toolbelt.read_from_json(os.path.join( resultpath, modelname+'_metrics.json' )) cms = toolbelt.read_from_json(os.path.join( resultpath, modelname+'_cms.json' )) try: auc = metrics['auc']['mean'] * 100 auc_sd = metrics['auc']['sd'] * 100 print(u"\nAUC:\t{:4.2f} \u00B1 {:4.2f}".format(auc, auc_sd)) except KeyError: pass # Might not exist! print(u"F1:\t{:4.2f} \u00B1 {:4.2f}".format( metrics['f1_score']['mean'] * 100, metrics['f1_score']['sd'] * 100)) print(u"Acc:\t{:4.2f} \u00B1 {:4.2f}".format( metrics['acc']['mean'] * 100, metrics['acc']['sd'] * 100)) print(u"Prec:\t{:4.2f} \u00B1 {:4.2f}".format( metrics['precision']['mean'] * 100, metrics['precision']['sd'] * 100)) print(u"Recall:\t{:4.2f} \u00B1 {:4.2f}".format( metrics['recall']['mean'] * 100, metrics['recall']['sd'] * 100)) cm = cms['absolute']['fold1'] tpr = (cm[3] / (cm[3] + cm[2])) * 100 # TP / (TP+FN) fpr = (cm[1] / (cm[1] + cm[0])) * 100 # FP / (FP+TN) print("TPR (First Fold):\t{:4.2f}\nFPR (First Fold):\t{:4.2f}".format(tpr, fpr)) try: print("Mean traning time: {}\nEnd of stats!\n\n".format(metrics['training_time_mean'])) except KeyError: pass # Might not exist!