
To ensure the correct inner workings of the used frameworks and calculations, the usage of unit and integration tests is advised. Tests are executed by invoking pytest, which will be installed if you have installed the dev dependencies with pipenv install --dev. On branch push, TravisCI checks out all changes, calls pytest --cov=./ and submits the coverage statistics to codecov.

Test Structure

The main root for all tests is MLT/tests. It contains one file per logical module, accompanied by a context.py and fixtures.py. The former enables you to skip local package installation during development, whilst the latter contains all custom fixtures used in tests. If a logical module contains multiple submodules or complex code, test classes with subfunctions are used.

Adding new tests

To add a new test:
  • import the subject in context.py
  • add new test_new_module.py file
  • add tests in the file (use classes if necessary).