Source code for

"""Utility functions for Keras-realted implementations"""
import os
from datetime import datetime
from keras.callbacks import TensorBoard
from keras.callbacks import LearningRateScheduler
import keras.models
import keras.backend as K

from import prediction_entry as pe

# Shut off TensorFlow debug info
# see
import tensorflow as tf
os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3'

[docs]def keras_train_model(model, epochs, batch_size, training_data, training_labels, test_data, test_labels, logdir, model_savename): """Train the given model with data and predict the run.""" starttime = history = training_data, training_labels, epochs=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=1, validation_data=(test_data, test_labels), callbacks=[ TensorBoard(log_dir=logdir) ] ) finishtime = runtime = finishtime - starttime test_predictions_probabilities = model.predict(test_data) test_predictions = test_predictions_probabilities.argmax(axis=-1) test_predictions_probabilities = test_predictions_probabilities[:, 1] keras_persist_model(model, model_savename) return pe.PredictionEntry(test_labels, test_predictions, test_predictions_probabilities, runtime)
[docs]def keras_train_model_adaptive(model, epochs, batch_size, training_data, training_labels, test_data, test_labels, logdir, model_savename): """Train the given model with data and predict the run. This training reduces the learning rate on a fixed base every 30 epochs to 10% of the original value.""" # see def adaptive_lr_scheduler(epoch): if (epoch > 0) and (epoch % 30 == 0): old_lr = K.get_value( new_lr = old_lr * 0.1 print("Set LR to {:6.5f}".format(new_lr)) K.set_value(, new_lr) print("Current LR: {:6.5f}".format(K.get_value( return K.get_value( starttime = history = training_data, training_labels, epochs=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=1, validation_data=(test_data, test_labels), callbacks=[ TensorBoard(log_dir=logdir), LearningRateScheduler(adaptive_lr_scheduler) ] ) finishtime = runtime = finishtime - starttime test_predictions_probabilities = model.predict(test_data) test_predictions = test_predictions_probabilities.argmax(axis=-1) test_predictions_probabilities = test_predictions_probabilities[:, 1] # proba[:,1] returns just 1 of 2 columns. As they always add up, this is enough! keras_persist_model(model, model_savename) return pe.PredictionEntry(test_labels, test_predictions, test_predictions_probabilities, runtime)
[docs]def keras_persist_model(model, model_savename): """Save the full model to disk.""" + '.h5')
[docs]def keras_load_model(full_path): """Load a single model from given path""" return keras.models.load_model(full_path)
[docs]def keras_load_modellist(model_filenames, model_path): """Load a list of models from a path""" loaded_models = [] for model_fname in model_filenames: loaded_models.append( keras_load_model(os.path.join(model_path, model_fname)) ) return loaded_models
[docs]def predict_keras(single_model, test_data, test_labels): """Only predict a model without training it.""" starttime = test_predictions_probabilities = single_model.predict(test_data) test_predictions = test_predictions_probabilities.argmax(axis=-1) finishtime = runtime = finishtime - starttime test_predictions_probabilities = test_predictions_probabilities[:, 1] return pe.PredictionEntry(test_labels, test_predictions, test_predictions_probabilities, runtime)